A must-visit tourist attraction


Exciting experiences in Sanda

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Be excited by knowing charms of Sanda.
A must-visit tourist attraction
Exciting experiences in Sanda
Nearby tourist facilities
frequently asked questions
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Be excited by knowing charms of Sanda.
Are there any places that offer outdoor activities?
At Shiitake Mushroom Farm, Kasaya and Shiitake Mushroom Garden Park Arimafuji,you can pick your own mushrooms before preparing them on a BBQ. You can also enjoy a one-day farming experience at Sanda Minori no Sato, a retro-style farm that is full of character.
しい茸ランドかさや、しいたけ園有馬富士では椎茸狩り体験や、採取した椎茸をBBQで味わうことができます。 また、古民家で農業体験を中心に一日過ごせる「さんだ農の里」があります。
Are there any markets or shops that sell fresh local vegetables?
There is a large park called ‘Arima Fuji Park’ in the north of the city. It has a large playground, which is particularly popular with children. The park offers paths through forests and grassland as well as a trail that winds around the lake at the parks center. The ‘Wind Museum’ is the open-air museum where you can enjoy 13 sculptures by Susumu Shingu. There is also the Satoyama Windmill, a symbol of Sanda City. Here you can feel the invisible rhythm of nature as it dances gracefully in the wind. Enjoy your time in this nature-rich park.
Where can I buy Sanda’s local alcoholic product?
Chidori Masamune, produced at the Okamura Brewery, is well known sake. You can enjoy tasting and directly purchase it only at the brewery in the city. Other alcoholic products, such as Komin Bakusyu (beer) brewed from rice malt by Shirayuki is also sold at Pascal Sanda Ichibankan, Tukimoto Liqure Shop, Yoshimoto Shoten and other outlets.
岡村酒造場の千鳥政宗が有名です。岡村酒造場は、市内唯一の造り酒屋で試飲や、販売を行っております。 他に、米麹から醸造した伊丹市酒造メーカー「白雪」による幸民麦酒(ビール)をパスカルさんだ一番館、搗本酒店、吉本商店ほかで販売しています。
How can I experience Japanese culture in Sanda? (Kimono rental, pottery experience, rickshaw rides, etc.)
Sanda offers several enjoyable hands-on tradtional craft experiences. For those who are interested in pottery making, there are several courses to choose from at Sanda Ceramic Museum in Fureai to Souzou no Sato and Miwa Myojin Kiln Historic Site Garden. Sanda porcelain is a rare and unique ceramic product that is famous for it’s beautiful blue color. People interested in learning about traditional glassware should visit Sanda City Glass Crafts Museum, which offers a range of different glass-making activities.
Are there any shrines or temples you would recommend?
The city has a large number of shrines and temples, such as Sakatare Shrine, Takamefu Shrine, Tenman Shrine, Miwa Shrine, Sumiyoshi Shrine, Kazan-in Temple, Shingetsu-in Temple, Konshin-ji Temple, Shotoku-ji Temple, Shokaku-ji Temple, Myosan-ji Temple and Kinsho-ji Temple, to name but a few. They are also known as “power spots” - place that is said to be full of supernatural energy - that appear in many traditional folk tales.
酒滴神社、高売布神社、天満神社、三輪神社、住吉神社、花山院、心月院、金心寺、聖徳寺、正覚寺、妙三寺、欣勝寺などあげればキリがないほど、神社や仏閣の多い市です。 民話に登場するところなど、パワースポットとしても知られています。
Are there any streets or buildings where I can feel a sense of Japanese culture?
There are many places that offer a glimpse of old Japan. As well as the many old shrines and temples, we also suggest visiting the Okamura Brewery, the former Kuki Family residence and “Touge no Chaya Ikkenya” (a tradional restaurant). Although visitors are not permitted in the workhouse at Okamura Brewery, its thatched-roof building is a great example of traditional Japanese craftmanship. You can also purchase Sanda sake directly from the producer. The Kuki family residence was built in the late 19th-century and served as the home of an important local family. The building is a unique comination of a traditional Japanese merchant house and a western-style building. “Touge no Chaya Ikkenya” is famous for warabimochi (jelly-like dumplings) and soba noodles. The spring cherry blossoms and autumn red leaves are particulary beautiful here.
神社・仏閣などはもちろん、岡村酒造や旧九鬼家住宅、かやぶき民家を活用した「峠の茶屋一軒家」がおすすめです。 岡村酒造場は蔵の見学は出来ませんが、茅葺き屋根の建物のため、外観だけでも日本文化を感じられますし、その場で三田のお酒を買うことも出来ます。 旧九鬼家住宅は、三田藩家老職を代々勤めた九鬼家の住宅として、明治9年頃に建てられた建物です。江戸時代の民家や商家の間取りを持ちながら、武家屋敷の名残を残す二階建ての住宅ですが、特徴的なのが二階部分に洋式のデザインが取り入れられていることです。 「峠の茶屋一軒家」では、わらびもちと蕎麦が有名です。春は桜もきれいで秋は紅葉が美しいです。
Are there places where I can see traditional performing arts in Sanda?
Traditional performing arts unique to Sanda include Komausa Hachiman Shrine’s Chi-no-wa-kuguri and Hyaku-koku Odori; Sanda Tenman Shrine’s Tenjin Festival and Autumn Festival; Ono Dainichido’s Dainichi Odori; Kamo Shrine’s Inahiki and Tarubiki Shinto rituals; Miwa Shrine’s Hauya Odori; Takamefu Shrine’s Senbon-Zuki; Yasaka Shrine’s Oneri; Myosanji Kokutoue. Various events are also held at the local culture center, Satonone Hall, including Rakugo and Kabuki. For more event information, please visit the centers website. There are also occasional Noh and Kyogen performances at a restaurant called “Sanda-ya Honten Yasuragi no Sato”.
What festivals and events would you recommend for visitors to Sanda?
In Sanda, festivals are held throughout the year and each of them reflects the different season. Our top recommendation is the Sanda Cherry Blossom Festival in spring. A corridor of approximately 5,000 cherry trees stretches 25km along the Muko River in the center of Sanda, providing a beautiful scene when the flowers are in bloom. At night, approximately 180 bonbori (paper lanterns) are lit along a 500m section of the corridor. The illuminated cherry blossoms offer a different feel to the daytime. The Sanda Festival, Sanda Autumn Sightseeing and Taste Festival, Agricultural Festival, Sanda Masters Marathon, and many other festivals are held in shrines and temples around the city. Please check the respective website forthe current status of each event before planning your visit.
三田市では、春夏秋冬それぞれの季節に合った祭りを開催しております。中でもお勧めなのが、春の「さんだ桜まつり」です。武庫川沿いの約25km区間に約5千本の桜の木が連なっている「武庫川さくら回廊」がとてもきれいです。桜の木の下で、日本のお花見をぜひお楽しみください。夜には約500m区間の桜並木で約180個のボンボリが点灯されます。ライトアップされた夜桜では昼間とは違った感動的な絶景が味わえると思いますので、ぜひ昼夜ともにお越しください。 長年実施されていた祭り、イベントとしては、三田まつり、さんだ秋の観光と味覚まつり、農業まつり、神社の夏・秋まつり、三田マスターズマラソンなどがあります。
Are there any onsen or spa in Sanda?
There are two natural hot springs in the city: Kotobuki-no-yu and Hanayama-no-yu. There are also many other spas such as Toji Syuraku, Konda Yakushi Onsen Nukumori no Sato, Fruit and Flower Park, and Ozo Onsen Kinsenka no Yu. The only public bath in the city is Shinchi-yu.
Are there any parks or facilities where I can enjoy the natural environment?
There is a large park called ‘Arima Fuji Park’ in the north of the city. It has a large playground, which is particularly popular with children. The park offers paths through forests and grassland as well as a trail that winds around the lake at the parks center. The ‘Wind Museum’ is the open-air museum where you can enjoy 13 sculptures by Susumu Shingu. There is also the Satoyama Windmill, a symbol of Sanda City. Here you can feel the invisible rhythm of nature as it dances gracefully in the wind. Enjoy your time in this nature-rich park.
Are there places to enjoy flowers and scenery?
The seasonal flowers at Eitakuji are an attractive feature that is famously known as the ‘Hana no Jyutan(carpet of flowers)’. In spring, 100 million flowering lawn cherry trees are in bloom. The Iris Garden in Eitakuji is currently closed, but offers a spectacular view when three million flowers are in bloom . There are also cherry blossoms in Tenjin Park, weeping cherry trees in Hoko-ji Temple, the Eitakuji Peony Garden, azalea in Shingetsuin Temple, and the Aino Hydrangea Garden. The Kazan-in Temple offers a view as far as the Seto Inland Sea on a clear day.
What kind of local souvenirs would you recommended?
For a special memento of Sanda we recommend a confectionery shop called ES Koyama. It was founded by Susumu Koyama, a pâtissier who has won various awards. It is particularly famous for its Koyama Rolls, a rolled cream cake. Other shops include Yamaoka, Mouette, Pumpkin and Sanpoppo. There are also good Japanese-sweets shops such as Nishimura Seigetsudo, Kineya, Shoeido, Sanda-Minoya and Tambaya. ‘Yone Manju’ , which is rice dumpling and a very rare speciality available at Sanda Merchants’ Festival in mid-December for only three days.
エスコヤマという洋菓子店をオススメします。様々な受賞歴があるパティシエの小山進が創業しました。中でも小山ロールが有名で、店内でもテイクアウトでもお召し上がりいただけます。他にもスイーツ・パン店では、ヤマオカ、贈り物菓子食堂ムエット、パンプキン、サンポッポなどがあります。また、西村清月堂、きねや、松栄堂、三田見野屋、丹波屋という洋和菓子屋さんがあります。 一年三日間しか販売されない『米(よね)まんじゅう』という名物が12月中旬の三田あきんどまつりで販売されています。
What accommodation is available in Sanda?
The Selecton Premier Kobe Sanda Hotel is the most popular place for visitors to stay in Sanda where you can enjoy a relaxing environment. The building has a half-moon shape and is very attractive. Hotel Melxe is conveniently located just a three-minute walk from Sanda Station. Other hotels include Sanda Summit Hotel, Sanda Sunrise Hotel, Plaza Hotel Sanda and Yamasaki Kan.
How can I get to Sanda?
From Osaka, it takes about 45 minutes by the JR Takarazuka Line rapid train. From Kobe, there is a direct bus (Shinki Bus) from JR Sannomiya Station to Sanda. It takes about 1 hour.
大阪からJR宝塚線快速を使って約45分でお越しいただけます。 神戸からはJR三宮駅から三田への直通バス(神姫バス)があります。約60分でお越しいただけます。
What taxi service is avilable in Sanda?
Taxis are recommended for visiting various places in a day. There are plenty of taxis available at Sanda and Shin-Sanda Station. Some designated sightseeing taxis are also available. Credit cards are accepted in taxis given an advanced notice on booking.
Can I rent a bicycle in Sanda City?
Sanda Tourist Association started renting five electric bicycles in April 2022. Please see the relevant page on the Association’s website.
Are there staff at the Sanda Tourist Information Centre who speak foreign languages?
There is an English-speaking staff at the center who is only available at certain times. However, other staff will also endeavour to help you as best they can using a translation app.
How easily can I use credit cards?
You can use credit cards at many tourist spots and we plan to expand the service throughout the city in the future. However, you may experience inconvenience at some smaller shops, so it will be useful to bring a small amount of cash.
Where can I get tourist brochures?
Sightseeing brochures are available at the Sanda City General Information Centre (Kippy Navi). You can also download many of these leaflets in PDF format via Sanda City Tourist Association’s website.
Are there any luggage lockers at Sanda Station?
There are several lockers available around Sanda station. There are 5 small (300 yen), 4 medium (400 yen) and 1 extra-large (600 yen) lockers just outside the ticket gate at JR Sanda station.
There are 8 small (300 yen), 2 medium (400 yen) and 1 large (500 yen) lockers inside the Shintetsu Railway station, and 12 small (300 yen) and 3 medium (400 yen) lockers inside the JR Sanda station.
改札外に、小型(300円)5個、中型(400円)4個、超大型(600円)1個、 神鉄改札内に小型(300円)8個、中型(400円)2個、大型(500円)1個、JR改札内に小型(300円)12個、中型(400円)3個が用意してあります。
How barrier-free is Sanda?
Currently 31 public facilities are barrier-free. Detailed floor maps are available on the Sanda City website. For more information on the barrier-free accessibility of individual shops, please contact them individually.
現在31の公共施設でバリアフリー対応がなされています。詳しいフロアマップは三田市のウェブサイトからご覧いただけます。 各個店のバリアフリーについてはそれぞれお問い合わせください。
How do I access emergency medical care in Sanda? Are multilingual services available?
The Sanda City Holiday and Emergency Treatment Centre provides medical services on Sundays, public holidays and during the year-end and New Year holidays. In addition, Sanda Municipal Hospital and Hirashima Hospital provide out-of-hours emergency treatment on weekdays and Saturdays. The Interpreter Call Centre assists foreign visitors at the time of emergency through talking directly to the emergency personnel at the scene. Telephone number: 050-3816-2787 Opening hours: At any time Languages: English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese Services: Emergency information (illness, accidents, natural disaster etc.), general sightseeing information
・電話番号 050-3816-2787
・対応時間 365日、24時間
・対応言語 英語、中国語、韓国語、日本語
・対応範囲 緊急時案内(病気・事故等)、災害時案内、一般観光案内
Is free Wi-Fi service available at tourist attractions in Sanda?
The Sanda City General Information Centre, civic centres, libraries and other public facilities, as well as large shopping venues such as Sanda Premium Outlets, are well equipped with free wi-fi services. However, many smaller facilities do not offer a free wi-fi service. We are planning to include information regarding free Wi-Fi spots on the visitors’ map in the future.
Who should I contact regarding lost property?
For lost properties, please consult Sanda Police Station (079-563-0110). Should you have any other problems, please feel free to visit Sanda City General Information Centre (Kippy Navi).
In cooperation with:
Osaka Seikei University, Department of International Tourism and Business, Faculty of Business Management, Research & Presentation, Spring 2021